In loving memory of Zarco, a Siberian Husky |
En mi casa, gracias a mis padres, de niña siempre he tenido perros. A ellos les encanta,y se preocuparon de criarme con el cariño siempre de una mascota en mi vida. He tenido de todo un poco: hamster, canario, peces, tortugas, pero la figura del perro nunca a faltado en casa. En toda mi niñez he tenido varios. Pero con mi primer sueldo la ilusion que tenia era comprarme un Husky Siberiano.Y asi lo hize.
In my house, thanks to my parents, as a child I always had dogs. They love them, and they wanted I'd grow up with the love of a pet always in my life. I've had a little of every kind: hamster, canary, fish, turtles, but the figure of the dog was never lacking at home. In my childhood I've had some. But my wish was to buy a Siberian Husky with my first salary. And I did so.
A mi padre le encantaban los perros grandes.Una vez tuvo uno.Pero para un piso siempre hemos tenido medianos o pequeños.El no queria perros grandes es casa.Pero lo comvenci jejejeje,era irresistible.Me acuerdo como si fue ayer que me fui a una exposicion y pregunte y di con un criador.Cuando me pusieron a esta bolita de pelo de tres meses, con ojos azules en mis brazos ...fue...increhible...la ilusión del mi vida.Nació en 1992. Lo llamé ZARCO.
My father loved big dogs . Once, he had one. But because we lived in an apartment we have always had medium or small ones. He did not want big dogs at home. But I convinced him....it was irresistible. I remember like it was yesterday that I went an exhibition and asked and found a breeder. When they put this three-month-old ball of hair with blue eyes in my arms ... it was ...incredible... the illusion of my life. It was born in 1992. I call it ZARCO.
Fue una gran experiencia en mi vida, me apunté a sacarme el titulo de Adiestramiento y Educacion Canina, y en las clases practicas aprendimos los dos a la vez.
It was a great experience in my life, I enroled in a school to get the graduation in Canine Training and Education, and at the practical lessons both of us we learned at the same time.
Esta raza es muy suya, cabezones, tozudos, muy suyos, independientes totalmente del dueño.
This strain is big-headed, stubborn, very own, completely independent of the owner.
Él era especial. Siempre lo fue. Había a una conexion entre los dos, que llegó al punto de con solo mirarle, el ya sabía lo que yo quería. El criador y gente entendida en esta raza, se quedaban de piedra. Iba suelto por la calle, al lado mio, no cruzaba para nada solo. Nos quería mucho a mis padres y a mi. Mi padre estaba loco con él, y siempre pegado a mi madre cuando cocinaba jajajajajaja. Era fantástico verlo correr por la playa...aún me acuerdo...
It was special. It always was. There was a connection between the two of us, to the point that just looking at him was enough to let him know what I wanted. The breeder and knowledgeable people in this race, were atonished. It walked in the streets by my side, it did not cross the street alone at all. It loved my parents and me a lot. My father was mad with him, and it was always stuck to my mother when she was cooking, jajajajajaja. It was fantastic to see it running on the beach...I still can remember it...
Tuvo un final muy bonito, en el que vi como se me iba apagando... su luz se apagaba ....y yo ...... tan egoista...me resistia a perderlo...hize todo lo que pude.....el veterinario estuvo un mes luchando contra una diabetes. No dimos con la dosis exacta. Se probaron varias insulinas, e incluso de personas, pero mi perro tenía que vivir enchufado a una máquina. Una mañana me llamaron y salí corriendo, estaba peor... Al verlo se arrastró hacia mi...se estaba despidiendo...era una despedida...miró a mi padre y a mi novio, y siguióarrastrándose y salió al pasillo, buscaba a mi madre...ella se quedó en casa......Estuvimos esperando hasta el último segundo...yo ahí pegada a él....cuando dejó de respirar... le puso la inyección. Yo tenía la esperanza que se agarraría a la vida, pero la enfermedad no lo dejó... Falleció el 1 de Septiembre del 2003, a la edad de 11 años.
He had a very nice end, where I could see how it was going off... its light went out .... and I ... so selfish ... I was reluctant to lose it... I did everything I could ..... the vet spent a month fighting against its diabetes. We could not find the exact dose. Several insulins, even those for humans, were tested, but my dog had to live plugged into a machine. One morning they called me and ran off, it was getting worse...When I saw him, he crawled towards me ... it was its farewell ... it looked at my father and my boyfriend, and it dragged on and went out into the hallway, looking for my mother. She stayed at home...We were waiting until the last second there ...I stuck to it.... when it stopped breathing they put him an injection. I had the hope that it would cling to life, but the disease didn't allow him .... He died on 1rst September 2003, at the age of 11 years.
Una parte de mi se fue con él....nada ha sido igual desde entonces.....después caí yo mala por una depresión.....hasta que a raiz de un sueño..era tan real...mi Zarco me hizo entender que vinieron a buscarlo y tuvo que marchar.
A part of me went with it.... nothing has been the same since then ... thereafter I felt ill with a depression .... but it was in a dream, that it was a very real one ... when my Zarco made me understand that they came to pick up it and it had to go.
Desde esta pagina tan maravillosa y gracias a Michael Jackson, he querido hacerle este pequeño homenaje a quien fue importante en mi vida.
From this wounderful page and thanks to Michael Jackson, I wante to pay this small tribute to someone who was important in my life.
Siempre estás en mi mente, en nuestras mentes. Nunca te olvidaré. Te quiero, Zarco.
You're always in my mind, in our minds. I'll never forget you. I love you, Zarco.
Mónica Vidal Flores
Viladecans, Barcelona, Spain