In this section of the blog, your pet will be the star!
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Esther & Peke, Sabadell, Spain |
Our guest of the week is Peke, a lovely female rabbit of Esther, a friend and fan of Michael. They are from Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain.
Esther Chia Montsech
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Peke, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain |
The name of this little baby is Peke (from small) and its birthday is February 15th. It's a year and 6 months old. It weighs 2.65 Lb.
Y sobre cosas que hace...
And about the things it does...
Todas las mañanas a las 7:00h empieza a morder su jaula y dar patadas con las patas de atrás en ella para que la dejes salir. Cuando la dejo salir, yo me vuelvo a la cama un ratito más y ella se viene detrás mio, para subirse en la cama a mi lado y que le haga mimitos. ¡¡¡Le encanta que la toquen!!!
Every morning at 7:00 a.m. it starts biting its cage and kicking back with its legs on it to demand getting out of its cage. Then, when I let it out and I go back to my bed to rest for a little longer, it comes behind me, climbs into my bed next to me and expects some cuddle. It loves to be touched!
Hay veces que cuando ve que yo me voy a ir a trabajar y mi madre no se ha levantado, se cuela en su habitación, se sube a su cama y la despierta para que no la meta en su jaula.
Sometimes when it sees that I'm going to go to work and my mother has not get up yet, it sneaks into her room, climbs into her bed and wakes up her to avoid I put it back to its cage.
Cuando esta contenta, y no hace tanto calor como estos días, da saltos muuuuy altos para demostrar que está feliz.
When it's happy, but is not as hot as these days, it jumps veeeery high to demonstrate that it's happy.
Esther Chia Montsech
Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain
¡Gracias, Esther!
Thank you, Esther!
Lydia, Gemma & Lluïsa, MJ Mascotas Club Team
Envíanos por email ( la foto de tu mascota y preséntanosla. ¡Estamos deseando conocerla! Tenemos una preciosa camiseta de regalo para ti.
Send us a picture of your pet to and introduce it to us. We are looking forward to know it!